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Meijers and the GDPR

Thu 24 May 2018

The GDPR will come into effect on 25 May. This legislation replaces the Personal Data Protection Act (Wet bescherming persoonsgegevens - Wbp) and will be applied throughout the European Union. What can you expect from Meijers in this regard? We are happy to provide an explanation.

The aim of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) is to strengthen and improve the privacy rights of clients and employees. But how does this affect you? Wendy Blijleven, Pension Specialist at Meijers, answers a few frequently asked questions.

How does Meijers deal with privacy-sensitive information and personal data?

We handle this very carefully of course. This includes:

  • Organisational and technical measures. We ensure that appropriate technical and organisational protection measures are in place. Examples of this are privacy-sensitive files that we protect with a password, or sending emails through a protected email system. Or the security measures that are physically in place at our office (for example, the tag system which only enables employees using a pass to enter the building).
  • Privacy statement. To keep you informed of our working practices, we have prepared a Privacy Statement. You will always be able to find the latest privacy statement under the heading ‘legal documents’ on our website.
  • Data breach procedure.  Our employees are required to report data breaches. Following internal notification, we will take measures, as soon as possible, that are required to mitigate (as far as possible) the repercussions of a potential data breach. If necessary, we will inform the concerned party or parties of a data breach.

In addition, every employee who works with personal data must observe strict confidentiality in respect of the personal data he/she handles. Employees also take an internal oath.

My company also has a/its own privacy statement. Will this make a difference?

No. This does not relate to our privacy statement or our services.

As a client, what am I responsible for?

We ask you to forward all information (which is strictly necessary) that we require to provide you with the best possible service - such as when reporting damage, or taking out insurance.  Make sure that this information is correct and as complete as possible. Our Privacy Card briefly explains how we handle this data. To prevent us inadvertently receiving privacy-sensitive information or personal data that is not required for our services, we kindly ask you to carefully check any information before sending us anything. For example, block out a Social Security Number (BSN) on a scanned passport. Or make sure that a passport photo in another identity document is obscured; provided this doesn’t influence our products.

More information? View the summarised Privacy Card. Please see our Privacy Statement for a more detailed description. You can also send an email to

